Dictionary.com defines "Victory" as,
vic·to·ry [vik-tuh-ree, vik-tree]
1. a success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war.
2. an engagement ending in such triumph.
3. the ultimate and decisive superiority in any battle or contest.
Although we often associate the term 'victory' with the sports arena, the true victory was won at the cross of Jesus Christ. I have been assessing myself as a coach and asking myself the question, "why do you coach?" Obviously there is a passion and desire to win championships, develop the skills of my players, and to reach the highest level of success that is possible. But if the wins, success, and reputation among my peers is the only place I'm finding victory, then I have truly lost. When I break it down to the fundamentals, there really are only three reasons I coach and they are the only things that will make an impact for eternity.
1. Discipleship within a basketball program is key. I want to disciple my players to the best of my ability to ensure that they are growing in their walks with Jesus and that they are winning off the court as well as on the court. It is also very important that I am being a disciple to the coaching staff around me. One area that is often forgotten though, is the fact that I need to be discipled as well. If no one is coaching the coaches, then we are in trouble. (Matthew 28:19)
2. Proclaiming the gospel to the nations is essential. Throughout the season it is vital to not only be visible in the community, but also to have a presence in the world. As coaches, we ought to make it a priority to get our teams overseas to the mission field where the gospel is scarce. If we aren't telling non-believers about Jesus, then we are failing in our call as coaches and as human beings. (Matthew 5:16)
3. Glorifying Jesus Christ in all we do is the umbrella over it all. We were put here on this earth by a marvelous Creator and he deserves all the praise we have to offer. God the Father sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross for our sin, rise up from the grave, and give us victory. He gave us victory because he won the battle over sin. He gave us victory because he sits triumphantly at the right hand of God the Father. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
It was the ultimate sacrifice and according to the Bible and the definition given to us by Dictionary.com, we really do have victory in Jesus! We can worship Jesus by the way we coach, the way we live, and by the legacy we leave. Next time you think about victory and winning a championship, check your intentions and make sure that you are doing everything for the glory of God!
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