I've been reading many good books lately, but one of my favorites so far has been, "The Good Life" by Trip Lee. It has spoken to me in a real way and I'm really excited to see the impact it has on culture.
Since basketball season is just beginning, I wanted to share a snipet of Trip's book where he talks about James Naismith, the creator of the game of basketball. Many people struggle with the reality of who God is as creator, but I thought it was interesting how Trip used this illustration of James Naismith to paint a picture for us. I know in my life, I sometimes try to figure things out on my own and I think that I am in control. Instead of having the mindset that my success, and the blessings I receive are God's and were created by Him, I often take the credit, lacking humility. The following is a section taken from "The Good Life."
"For one, He is God. That statement in itself says more about Him than anything else could. He is the all-powerful Creator, Sustainer, and Owner of all things, including you and me. All of the universe belongs to Him. And the fact that He made every inch of creation makes Him the authority on how it should operate.
In 1891 James Naismith was asked to create an indoor game for the students at a unviersity. He racked his brain and came up with a new, unique game he called "basket ball." He grabbed a soccer ball, hung up two peach basketbs, and posted thirteen rules on the wall for the young men to see. They were ready to play their first game.
Now can you imagine one of the students arguing with him about what the rules were? It would be arrogant and downright silly. How could they tell Mr. Naismith how to play the game he created? Similarly, God is our creator, He has given us life, and He knows how it's supposed to work. How arrogant of us to think for a moment that we know better.
I imagine that if the students were left to themselves to figure out the game, they would have come up with a much less glorious version - throwing the ball at one another and pulling the peach baskets down. Left to our sinful imaginations, human beings will not come up with the right way to live. We'll spend our energies chasing fantasies and masquerades, blinded to the true realities of life. God's way is not only right, it's better. Using your life for hedonism is like using a Ferrari for target practice. Not only do you rob that life of its higher calling, but you destroy it in the process. God the Father knows best.
In addition to that, God's identity gives Him ownership over His creation. Psalm 24 says, "The Earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters" (NIV). That includes us.
Most of us live under the illusion that our lives belong to us, and us alone. But the truth is, you belong to your Creator. He made us, therefore we're His. It's that simple. That doesn't mean we're just objects, lacking any kind of freedom. But it does mean that rejecting God's leadership is robbing Him of something that is rightfully His.
Not to mention, He is the highest authority. There is no one He has to answer to. He did not have to be elected and He cannot be impeached. His judgements cannot be appealed and His decrees don't have to be approved by any council. He will never lose power and His term will never come to an end. He is God!
You can purchase Trip Lee's new book, "The Good Life" by clicking here.
Follow Trip Lee on Twitter @TripLee116
Follow Coach Wingreen on Twitter @CoachWingreen
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