Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The 15 Book Challenge

In 2010, I was inspired by Alan Stein and I made it my goal to read 50 books in one year.  I was proud to accomplish that goal, but it wasn't easy to do.  I was reading on average 1 book per week and that wasn't including the Bible everyday and all the school books I had to read also.  As I sat down to read tonight, I realized that so far in 2011 I haven't been reading nearly as much as I did last year.  I think I have only finished about 15 or so books in 8 1/2 months this year, and that is not something I'm proud of.  Although one book a week isn't an easy task, I remember how good it made me feel and I want to start that again.  So, for the rest of 2011, my personal goal and challenge to you is to read 15 books.  15 weeks, 15 books.  I really believe that as a Christian coach, it is important for me to be educating myself and growing each day.  Stepping up responsibility and setting aside an hour a day to read my Bible and other books is crucial.  There is so much out there that I don't know and if I want to ever succeed as a Christian, a husband, a father, or a coach, I really need to commit time and effort into quality books.  Especially with basketball season approaching quickly, I feel an even greater responsibility to get in the Word and hit the books.  I know that we are all busy, but the busier you are, the more I want to challenge you to read 15 books.  For all you student managers, graduate assistants, and coaches out there who are serious about success and growth, do this.  I promise you that it will encourage you and enlighten you.  John Wooden is quoted as saying, "When I am through learning, I am through."  Don't ever be through learning, and what better way to gain knowledge and grow than to really dig in books and the Bible.  I would love to hear from you if you know of any good books out there that are "must reads" or have really impacted your life.  Encourage one another and keep me updated on your progress!  Happy reading.

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